The other day I joined Anne Bachrach, The Accountability Coach™, on her Podcast.
Here are some of the questions that Anne asks during the episode.
1. What are essential mindsets to position for growth even when in the midst of chaos, whether real or perceived?
2. How do you switch from transaction-based to relationship-based outcomes?
3. How to turn challenges and mistakes into lessons that fuel your growth?
4. What are the key components to set you and your team up to win?
5. Let’s talk a bit about communication. Our clients are always talking to us; however, are we really listening?
6. What’s the role of collaboration for growth and market leadership?
Anne Bachrach is President of A.M. Enterprises in San Diego, CA and has over 23 years of experience training and coaching. Business professionals who utilize her proven systems make more money, work less, and enjoy a more balanced and successful life. She believes that personal accountability is the single most powerful tool to help professionals improve their businesses and overall quality of life.