Podcast Interview: The Vacation Effect

Denise Gosnell is the founder of The Vacation Effect™, Business Strategist and Productivity Hacker. She helps busy entrepreneurs who haven’t taken a “real” vacation in years learn the strategies to start taking a week vacation every month while growing their business faster.

The Vacation Effect™ can teach you how to grow your business by subtracting—not by adding more—from your to-do list.

Denise invited me to be a guest and talk about my recently launched book – UpSolutions – in The Vacation Effect podcast.

In the interview, Denise and I discussed the following:

  • How the rules of business have changed
  • How I learned the importance of customer-centric behavior working at a bookstore in my early career, and how that one bookstore had incredible growth due to one specific customer-centric strategy that the employees all implemented.
  • How to shift from transaction-based outcomes to relationship-based outcomes.
  • How to turn your customers into raving fans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Look at your business as the “solution” you provide to your customers – the feeling of why they come there.
  • Most companies are playing the wrong game of business by trying to compete on price.
  • It’s better to shift from sales to solutions; from transactions to relationships.
  • Instead of looking at “upselling” your customers” look for “Upsolutions”.

You can listen to the whole interview by clicking here.

For a short version demo, listen here.

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