Podcast Interview: Welcome to the Pharmacy Success Strategy Series | Pharmacy Success

 I’m honored to be hosting a Limited Series on Pharmacy Podcast Network called Pharmacy Success Strategy Series.

This is the first of a ten part series featuring interviews with top pharmacy owners sharing their experience and success with the Pharmacy Success UpSolutions Program.

We will dive into the Pharmacy Success Strategies that are outlined in my book, UpSolutions: Turning Teams into Heroes and Customers into Raving Fans.

In today’s episode, I am speaking with Bob Lomenick, owner of Tyson Drugs in Holly Springs, MS.  Bob is a transformative leader in community pharmacy. He is known as the godfather of Med Sync programs and his pharmacy and team continues to be a leader in developing clinical programs and patient care.

He will share how he and his pharmacy team switched from a reactive to proactive approach when faced with Covid and the ongoing challenges in pharmacy. This switch helped to increase customer awareness, improve pharmacy processes and catapulted his pharmacy to the next level.

Enjoy the show!

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